
Cities to Visit in China

Not long ago, we have organized to travel, free to travel dates, travel expenses are fixed, meaning that the remaining funds can be returned to the individual. Oh, great, we all felt the team did not travel much interest, the same as the duck arrived at the East hula, hula went to the West, I feel boring, so would prefer to pick the attractions near point, and then travel to save money themselves. I think it is good, their own self-arranged travel itinerary, do not string together a lot of people, Moreover, more than the same price you china city tours can play several spots, why not? After our heads, democratic centralism, the decision to a vertical cloud Tongtian and Lake day tour, the two spots I have been to a few years ago, but there was no interest in photography, there is no way you can interact with, So the impression is not very deep, so although been there, but also with immense interest.

May 14 starting at 8:30 am, a half-way rest Deqing service area, 12 more to reach the cloud Tongtianhe down, that is, I want this blog description of the subject. Street outside the hotel in the scenic tourist meal eaten in a guided it into the area. According to historical records, total length of 4.5 km vertical cloud Tongtian, channel gap of 380 meters, with a total area of ​​8 million square meters. Well-developed karst landforms in river, abundant groundwater sources, water quality Gan Cheng, fresh air, water gurgling all the year round, river twists china tour operator and turns deep, or into a lake, or into a park, or into a waterfall, whitewater shoals, constantly changing, and make people reluctant to leave. In the river at the end of nearly 30 square kilometers of forest cover area, has been developed Cave Forest Park all day. The dense jungle vegetation and kept intact a lot of water, large areas of forest surface water together in a funnel shape of the overturned big hole - in the days of the Cave, the twists and turns along the high and low natural river bed straight and rolled down to form a huge vertical water cloud Cave, so called Tongtianhe. Aixinjueluo Minyu tour down the amazing beauty of its cloud Tongtian, is pleased to brush wrote: vertical cloud Tongtianhe, the first underground river. Journey to the West is not in the Tongtian Oh, that old sea turtle, but the site Tongtian, Tang Seng mentoring he had been thrown to the Tongtian I learned that books were taken back by the non-word hieroglyphics., For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

