
Visit China Cities

State AAAAA class tourist attractions, the World Geological Park, the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the top ten key scenic spots, national forest park, National Nature Reserve. Huangshan is one of famous scenic spot in China, the world's tourist attractions, scenic Huangshan (Huangshan Visit China Mountain) in southern Anhui Province, Huangshan City. The main peak of the Lotus Peak, elevation 1864.7m. Huangshan in the subtropical monsoon climate, high mountain and deep valley, vertical changes in climate. At the same time the North Slope and the southern slope of the difference of the radiation by the sun, local topography plays a dominant role in its climate, the formation of more clouds, humidity, precipitation, climate and more. Huangshan five unique - pines, rocks, sea of ​​clouds, hot springs, winter snows. Known as the "Five Sacred Mountains fell down the mountain, Huangshan Guilaibukan. "

Set the length of Huangshan Mountain. The majestic Mount Tai, the steep Huashan, Hengshan the clouds, the waterfall of Lushan, Hill of Qiao Shi, the beautiful Mt Huangshan all of both. Ming travelers, geographers, Xu two Huangshan Mountain, praise, said: "Gordon World Without Huangshan Mountain View only now!" and stay "five mountains fell down the mountain, Huangshan Guilaibukan past. China City Tours" More "best in the world Church Hill, "said. Can be said that no peak is not stone, no stone is not loose, no loose is not surprising, and pines, rocks, sea of ​​clouds, hot springs Huangshan four no known world. Second Lake, three waterfalls, springs sixteen, twenty of the Four Rivers matched Zhenghui. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons varied scenery. Also, Mount Huangshan "natural zoo and botanical garden, "the name, there are nearly 1,500 species of plants, animals, 500. Huangshan pleasant climate, is a unique summer resort, is a national scenic spot and summer resort for convalescence. , For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

