
City Tours: Jinan City River Opens after Trial Operation

After nearly three months of trial operation phase of testing, Jinan, Shandong moat already have full navigation conditions. 29 evening, held in Jinan City in the moat River navigable ceremony.
28, South Gate plot seen in the moat, visit China is located in South Gate Bridge west of the water platform, a sprung stage, staff are on the lighting, sound equipment for the final commissioning. The Black Tiger Spring Boat Station dock than a dozen cruise ships have also gone through a well-dressing, all brand-new look, but also put up red lanterns, red ribbons tied on. Learned, after nearly three months of trial operation, full navigation moat has had the condition, 29 evening 7:30, Jinan Municipal Government will be held here navigable ceremony.
Jinan moat project consists of three navigation: April 2007, five cruise ships to achieve liberation Pavilion Longtan Park leg of the navigable length of 2.5 km; July 2009 opened up the boat directly from the liberation of Daming Lake House tour route; just completed Phase III of the moat navigation achieve a real sense of the full range of navigation, so that "spring tour around the city" is no longer a dream. Currently, the China city tours landscape on the east moat boardwalk, hydrophilic regions, and the old station restored landscape, large viewing water platform, spring water baths, have already completed one after another, all with a comprehensive navigation conditions.
Throughout the 6.9 km route moat, is the only one made ​​by the spring convergence service will Heihuquan, Baotu, five Longtan, zhenzhuquan Four Springs as a whole. Along the way many can watch the famous scenic spots (points) and Jinan representative landscape, such as the spectacular liberation of Court, Dragons Tigers of the Black Tiger Spring, Springs Plaza Jinan large living room, in the world spring Baotu, step five different scenes in Longtan, springs and East Lake moat Pearl river wetlands, old station, spring baths, such as landscape, described as "a scene of water with one hundred", constitute the national landscape with unique spring tour. For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

