
June 24, 2011 -27, the China International Tourism Commodity Fair held in Yiwu, Zhejiang, Anhui Province, 38 enterprises in 14 cities participating. Due to excellent organization, selected by the Organizing Committee, Anhui Tourism Bureau pavilion also won the exposition and the Best Booth visit China Award for Best Organization Award, the country's 31 provinces, municipalities participating in the group stand out. In the "2011 China Tourism Product Competition", the Anhui Province, sending the 15 (items) Travel goods, there are three (items) products stand out in the contest, won two silver and one bronze, respectively, good results, which, Anhui Jieshou City Romer carved pottery Co. should select the "Jieshou pottery • knife color glazed pottery horse people" bamboo Art Gallery and sculpture Co., Ltd. Huangshan Huizhou should select the "myriad aspects" were given silver ornaments.

Anhui Provincial Tourism Bureau attaches great importance to this travel expo, HU Xue-Where the Secretary chaired the Secretary's office, listening to an integrated feature exhibitors participating at the program on reporting requirements of the booth layout and the entries to highlight the unique China city tours cultural charm and Anhui tourism characteristics, and strive to be creative, breakthrough effectiveness. Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Lin Hua-time rate of Anhui Province delegation to attend the Expo, booth several times to inspect and guide, travel goods and business representatives participating exchanges, participating exhibitors to listen to the opinions and suggestions about tourism product development situation, encouraged the travel goods enterprises to innovative ideas, develop more tourism products and better quality.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

