
China Tour to Xuchang

The morning of July 26, Xuchang Wei Du District Tourism Bureau invited well-known curator for old cover for Cao Chengxiang government planning and demonstration projects. Wei is the district government, Xuchang City Tourism Bureau, Xuchang City Cultural Affairs Bureau of the main leaders and project construction unit Hengda company official attended the forum.

At the meeting, Xuchang City Tourism Bureau, Friends of the old horse method made ​​full use of scenic ground cover landscape architecture and development of underground space, in a limited geographical area to load and colorful history of the screen, make full use of sound, light, electricity and other modern technological means to achieve combining static and dynamic effects, and provides visitors can enjoy, can we go, Coca-Cola three-dimensional area planning ideas fully affirmed. Mr Ma pointed out that the old thinking cap proposed plan takes into account not only the planning and construction of scenic area is also integrated into future market operations and other issues, full of unique insights, it is worth learning from. Leaders of participating experts for the project reflects the way, reflect on issues such as the contents of the operation from the government, social, and visitors to experience other aspects of the feasibility analysis and argument.

Finally, the District Chief Zhaozhen Hong Wei are on three points. First, in planning the project to a new way to innovation; the second is from the content on the mining, sightseeing and to achieve dynamic and static; third is a combination of culture and economy, while maintaining the cultural taste, the premise of focusing on culture to achieve the maximum economic and social benefits.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

