
City Tours: Hangzhou Tour Investment

18, 2011 Hangzhou (Shanghai) Economic Cooperation Conference, and promote the Second World Leisure Expo will be held in Shanghai, Hangzhou West Lake will be shared with the Shanghai visit China World Heritage, both Shanghai and Hangzhou to promote a higher level of cooperation.
A total contracted foreign investment cooperation projects within the 32, including 17 domestic investment projects, involving a total amount of about 17.25 billion yuan, the introduction of foreign capital of about 10.95 billion yuan. 17 contracted projects, the average individual total investment reached 644 million yuan, the biggest this year. Among them, 500 million yuan, 10 projects, 10 billion of six China city tours large-scale projects. Project focused on cultural and creative, tourism and leisure, construction information group, advanced equipment manufacturing, and energy-saving environmental protection industry, involving a total investment of 15.65 billion yuan, accounting for 90.72% of the total contract.
In the future, we should focus on both the Shanghai-Hangzhou West Lake in the shared world cultural heritage, and jointly promote economic cooperation and development to upgrade and build a platform to seize the opportunity to seek cooperation, strive for a breakthrough, and continuously enrich the content of cooperation, both Shanghai and Hangzhou to promote a wider, more wide-area, a higher level of cooperation and exchanges.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

