
City Tours China: Tiger Beach Polar Museum

Recently reported that Tiger Beach Polar Museum will be completed in late January and opened the nation's first polar expedition park, the park is visit China to simulate the Antarctic Zhongshan Station, built to enable visitors to experience the style and the Antarctic and penguins up close.

In order to maximize the reduction of the Zhongshan Station style, Tiger Beach Ocean Park will be 3000 square artificial snow, recently introduced from abroad a number of new Antarctic Circle in the boreal part of Penguin, a total of 66, including the Papuan Penguin 10, cap China city tours with a Penguin 28, 10 king penguins, Adelie penguins 18, and their arrival, so Dalian Tiger Beach polar Museum became the most complete display penguin, the largest number of pavilions.Check the new Penguin Polar Museum, after a little nervous, pecking at feeding breeder will present, they are in good health, has ended the isolation period.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

