
Best China Tour of Pearl River Food Festival

July 16, Qujing Seventh Food Culture Festival in the Pearl River source Zhanyi opened, opened the festival as the opening of the first leg, Zhanyi Dapoxiang 6 acres of Marigold, so that visitors truly amazing feeling. Into Dapoxiang, how much distance yet to go, you can see tours to China sporadic little marigold, and when the reporter trailing the Organizing Committee and his party, came to watch the location of Marigold, immediately attract the immediate landscape. Looking at a sea of ​​yellow, whether reporters or visitors were generous hands pressed the shutter. Some tourists are or standing, or sitting, posing with this piece of flowers for intimate contact. Of these visitors, the self-driving tourists from Kunming mostly for flowers into a piece here, they are amazed.

It is reported that after 10 years of supporting the development, Zhanyi marigold industry has successfully opened a business with industry leading to the development of the road, and formed a Zhanyi as the center to the surrounding cities and counties radiation; to Zhanyi for the China trip fine processing base, the surrounding cities and counties for the plant, rough material supply base of group development pattern. Since 2006, led Qujing of Shizong, Luliang and Kaiyuan, Luxi plant development and other places, to become the nation's largest marigold cultivation and processing base. Less demanding as marigold cultivation techniques, planting low-cost, large flowers, long flowering period, bright golden color, very ornamental, the future will integrate Zhanyi Zhanyi unique natural environment, and further development of the marigold and construction industry sightseeing agriculture combine to make the marigold industry for promoting eco-tourism, rural economic development and prosperity of rural culture, an important industry.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

