
Travel to Mountain Tai Sculpture Display

September 6, Taian City, only a stone tablet - "Taishan Dai Temple stone garden" to officially open its doors. Tai'an Municipal Committee, vice mayor of White Yucui, Tangzhao Lin, deputy director of Municipal People's Congress, Vice Chairman Zhang Shuyou City, Taishan scenic Party Working Committee, the CMC director Tan industry has just attended the opening ceremony and ribbon-cutting. Management Committee, deputy director of Emily Taishan presided over the opening ceremony.

Taishan Dai Temple Mount stone park construction project is the area the party work, the CMC to determine one of the key projects in 2007, the main focus of the content is part of the Taishan stone, collection of collections and the works of contemporary calligrapher, bringing together in the formation of new park landscape. The total investment of nearly $ 1 million, covers an area of ​​6,000 square meters, in March 2007 to determine the program officially in April construction to achieve the quality and visual impact of the high degree of unity, the stone garden of a selection of the most appropriate Kebei a lapis lazuli and Linqing tribute brick, strict tendering procedures, close supervision and inspection of track, after nearly four months of intense construction, all construction projects completed by the end of August.

To allow visitors to be able to experience the Taishan mountain charm of stone, stone garden restoration of the stone valley, the saying sided emphasis on classics such as stone 25. Museum of ancient writers to address the difficult pictures and meet with visitors to the issue, the Dai Temple collection of stone garden famous masterpieces carved in stone, so that visitors can get up close to try to figure out. Stone south park also has a new gallery and antique pavilion, visitors and calligraphy lovers, where you can open viewing, you can copy by hand, hammer extension calligraphy, stone Taishan tourists to enjoy and study the art of calligraphy, a closer look at Taishan cultural ideal.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Xiamen Train Tour 2011

July 23 occurred Yongwen line motor car rear-end accident on Xiamen travel team some impact, some of Jiangsu and Zhejiang tourists stranded by EMU outage Xiamen. The face of this emergency of major railway accidents, Xiamen travel agents showed quickly and decisively in emergency response capabilities, Xiamen Tourism Group International Travel Service started immediately after the accident, "a large moving truck to evacuate stranded tourists" action, 24-day passenger travel on the team by way of the successful return of nearly one thousand tourists evacuated from Xiamen to Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou.

According to general manager of Xiamen Tourism Group International Travel Easy Bin, at 0:00 on the 23rd hearing Yongwen line motor car rear-end accidents occur, the professional practitioners for many years he was sensitive to the railway is likely Fuwen outage. He immediately responded to the current layout of hospitality sector in the building team thoroughly, and require the company to immediately start emergency departments, pre-evacuation plan row. 24 early in the morning fly to Hangzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo and other places of tickets have been difficult to get a ticket, more than 1,000 visitors to return, Xiamen Travel International Tourism Board to immediately report the situation, the request inter-provincial coordination of coaches operating license for the problem, and Company's domestic call reception, purchasing and other departments were set up emergency working group to develop specific programs to evacuate, tourists return to solve the problem.

According to the specific implementation of the evacuation of tourists Xiamen Travel International Vice President Lin Zhipeng, due to the 24 Fuwen railway outage, the company nearly a thousand tourists from Jiangsu and Zhejiang retention occurred, of which 653 in Hangzhou, Ningbo, 332. "We are in line with rapid response, customer-first principle, first contact our supplier team sent a group of good condition of the passenger vehicles, one after another starting from Xiamen, will be transported to the stranded tourists Fuding first transfer station, also contact the tour at the same time sent a team to Fuding collusion, which sent 15 in Hangzhou, Ningbo and sent seven due to take timely and effective evacuation measures, 24, 14:00 pm All stranded tourists are safe before departure, travelers appease their sentiment, the work of our travel agents are very satisfied. "

It is reported that the total from Xiamen Sky, Air Kay, full development of tourism and transportation company involved in the Building 25 bus trip international "big motor car stranded tourists evacuated" action, good management of the fleet and drivers to the trouble of scheduling professionalism, the successful completion of this operation contributed.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Hubei 2011 Tourism Development

Recently, supervision and management by the National Tourism Administration Secretary Li Renzhi as head of the National Tourism Administration Director of Supervision and Management Division Travel Lung Wei as the members of the inspection team to the National Tourism Administration E, regulate the tourism market order on the work of inspection and research . Inspection team of the province regulate the tourism market order and supervision of the industry fully affirmed.20 am, the inspection team held a forum to listen to the Provincial Tourism Bureau and Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Tourism and some travel agencies who work to report on the management of "zero or negative fare, anchored contract, forced consumption" and the establishment of a "travel team service management system." and so sought the views of delegates.

Li Renzhi said, attaches great importance to the tourism industry in Hubei Province and regulate the tourism market order regulation, especially since this year, thinking clearly, and effective measures, solid work, the full implementation of the tourism industry supervisory duties, clean up the tourism market environment, to achieve the "second five 'supervision during the tourist a good start to promote tourism in Hubei high-speed, healthy and sustainable development. He pointed out that good supervision is to achieve the tourism industry, the tourism industry into a people more satisfied with the modern service industry is an important guarantee. Fruitful work in the first half on the basis of the next phase of work to do. One, make sure the work has been deployed, according to the National Tourism Administration to determine the "Decalogue" and the inspectors, carefully regulate the tourism market order to complete the tasks; Second, grasp the basic work, service management system to speed up travel team standardization of construction and tourism, and promote transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry; third grasp the current priorities, strengthen travel agents, tour personnel management, strengthening of law enforcement to raise the overall level of supervision and management of the tourism industry.Jiang Xinghua, deputy director of the Provincial Tourism Bureau, accompanied by checks, and reports on the province regulate the tourism market order and supervision of the tourism industry.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


China Tour to Xuchang

The morning of July 26, Xuchang Wei Du District Tourism Bureau invited well-known curator for old cover for Cao Chengxiang government planning and demonstration projects. Wei is the district government, Xuchang City Tourism Bureau, Xuchang City Cultural Affairs Bureau of the main leaders and project construction unit Hengda company official attended the forum.

At the meeting, Xuchang City Tourism Bureau, Friends of the old horse method made ​​full use of scenic ground cover landscape architecture and development of underground space, in a limited geographical area to load and colorful history of the screen, make full use of sound, light, electricity and other modern technological means to achieve combining static and dynamic effects, and provides visitors can enjoy, can we go, Coca-Cola three-dimensional area planning ideas fully affirmed. Mr Ma pointed out that the old thinking cap proposed plan takes into account not only the planning and construction of scenic area is also integrated into future market operations and other issues, full of unique insights, it is worth learning from. Leaders of participating experts for the project reflects the way, reflect on issues such as the contents of the operation from the government, social, and visitors to experience other aspects of the feasibility analysis and argument.

Finally, the District Chief Zhaozhen Hong Wei are on three points. First, in planning the project to a new way to innovation; the second is from the content on the mining, sightseeing and to achieve dynamic and static; third is a combination of culture and economy, while maintaining the cultural taste, the premise of focusing on culture to achieve the maximum economic and social benefits.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Hezhou Develops New Scenic Spots

July 19 Japan-China Railway 16 Bureau Group sent a letter to Zhongshan county, government, intends to invest 1.5 billion development of Zhongshan Shilihualang area.China Railway 16 Bureau Group in Hong Kong and Shanghai-listed subsidiary of China Railway Construction. China Railway 16 Bureau Group, sent four times to inspect the depth Shilihualang, Shilihualang area convenient traffic conditions, excellent location and beautiful landscape, so that the Group's investment Shilihualang confidence. The group plans to high standards, high starting point planning and construction of tourism, entertainment, health care, scientific research, tourism, real estate, retirement property, cultural and sports facilities, project planning area of ​​about 15 square kilometers, with about six years to build. Recent City Tourism Bureau and Zhongshan county government and the Beijing Railway 16 Bureau Group docking, the implementation of the project investment.

In recent years, increasingly sophisticated transport facilities Hezhou, Gui-Wu Expressway, Luoyang-Zhanjiang railway, highway He has opened wide by the Guilin, Hezhou of your wide high-speed railway, highway Yong Ho accelerating the development of tourism for the Hezhou a good traffic environment, in 2010 Hezhou received domestic and foreign tourists 5,038,300 passengers, an increase of 18.79%, continuing onto the fast track the development of tourism, attraction, many investors after another. It is reported that is negotiating or has signed contracts for tourism investment projects, eight-step Zone washed sand reservoir tourism development projects, Yan Huang Yao-day project Hakka Park, Bucheon Silk champion Village projects, For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Xinyang Tourism Guide

Xinyang 2011 guides the IC card to apply for registration which was recently successfully concluded, the city has a total of 44 certificates in the national tour China, tour guides to apply for the registration, registered tourist guides to Xinyang City, more than 20% increase in the number of expand the team guides the scale and enhance the quality of tour guides will play a positive role in promoting.

The guides IC card to apply for registration under the unified arrangements of Henan Province Tourism Bureau, the Tourism Bureau in charge of Xinyang City, organizations, and apply the object to participate in the 2010 national tour for the qualifying examination who pass the examination, or has made "tour guide qualification certificates" valid for three years or less, and no "tour Guide management China travel tours Regulations" any of the provisions of Article V of the personnel situation.It is reported that this year's Tourism Bureau in the city of Xinyang City Administrative Service Center Tourism window accept full tour card IC card to apply for registration, according to "guides Regulations' provisions, organize relevant personnel to participate in the Provincial Tourism Bureau of the online pre-job training assessment, while also accepting the deadline be extended by the July 14 to 20, to facilitate the guides for applying for registration. The IC card to apply for the tour guides are expected to be in late September by the provincial Tourism Bureau has issued.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Best China Tour of Pearl River Food Festival

July 16, Qujing Seventh Food Culture Festival in the Pearl River source Zhanyi opened, opened the festival as the opening of the first leg, Zhanyi Dapoxiang 6 acres of Marigold, so that visitors truly amazing feeling. Into Dapoxiang, how much distance yet to go, you can see tours to China sporadic little marigold, and when the reporter trailing the Organizing Committee and his party, came to watch the location of Marigold, immediately attract the immediate landscape. Looking at a sea of ​​yellow, whether reporters or visitors were generous hands pressed the shutter. Some tourists are or standing, or sitting, posing with this piece of flowers for intimate contact. Of these visitors, the self-driving tourists from Kunming mostly for flowers into a piece here, they are amazed.

It is reported that after 10 years of supporting the development, Zhanyi marigold industry has successfully opened a business with industry leading to the development of the road, and formed a Zhanyi as the center to the surrounding cities and counties radiation; to Zhanyi for the China trip fine processing base, the surrounding cities and counties for the plant, rough material supply base of group development pattern. Since 2006, led Qujing of Shizong, Luliang and Kaiyuan, Luxi plant development and other places, to become the nation's largest marigold cultivation and processing base. Less demanding as marigold cultivation techniques, planting low-cost, large flowers, long flowering period, bright golden color, very ornamental, the future will integrate Zhanyi Zhanyi unique natural environment, and further development of the marigold and construction industry sightseeing agriculture combine to make the marigold industry for promoting eco-tourism, rural economic development and prosperity of rural culture, an important industry.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


City Tours: Hangzhou Tour Investment

18, 2011 Hangzhou (Shanghai) Economic Cooperation Conference, and promote the Second World Leisure Expo will be held in Shanghai, Hangzhou West Lake will be shared with the Shanghai visit China World Heritage, both Shanghai and Hangzhou to promote a higher level of cooperation.
A total contracted foreign investment cooperation projects within the 32, including 17 domestic investment projects, involving a total amount of about 17.25 billion yuan, the introduction of foreign capital of about 10.95 billion yuan. 17 contracted projects, the average individual total investment reached 644 million yuan, the biggest this year. Among them, 500 million yuan, 10 projects, 10 billion of six China city tours large-scale projects. Project focused on cultural and creative, tourism and leisure, construction information group, advanced equipment manufacturing, and energy-saving environmental protection industry, involving a total investment of 15.65 billion yuan, accounting for 90.72% of the total contract.
In the future, we should focus on both the Shanghai-Hangzhou West Lake in the shared world cultural heritage, and jointly promote economic cooperation and development to upgrade and build a platform to seize the opportunity to seek cooperation, strive for a breakthrough, and continuously enrich the content of cooperation, both Shanghai and Hangzhou to promote a wider, more wide-area, a higher level of cooperation and exchanges.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


City Tours: Guizhou Taiwan Tour

According to Provincial Tourism Bureau and Taiwan's travel industry to launch tourism charter agreement, the afternoon of July 9, from Taichung, Taiwan cross-strait direct flights to Guiyang in Guiyang Longdongbao tourist charter flights landing airport, take the charter visit China flight of 104 guests for participation in Guizhou "summer season" series of the first visitors to Taiwan, officially opened Taiwan to participate in the "Guizhou summer season" travel series the big screen. Tourists in Guizhou during the Anshun Tianlongtunbao, Huangguoshu, underwater, southwestern Guizhou Maling River, and Southeast Wanfenglin Xijiang Miao Village as the main cruise lines, in-depth experience in Guizhou wonderful natural scenery and ancient culture and customs. Meanwhile, More than 100 visitors on the same day Guizhou take the charter flights to Taiwan tourism.
        It is reported that in the next four months, the Taichung to Guiyang will have 18 flights a flight, nearly 2000 visitors to carry out both sides enjoy the island scenery and feel the cool summer interactive tour of Guizhou.
        To facilitate direct charter flights between Taichung and Guiyang series of the trip, in February this year, led Provincial Tourism Bureau Fu China city tours Yingchun Secretary participated in the fourteenth session held in Taipei Taiwan Strait Tourism Association. Period, through various forms in Taiwan, continuity of promotional and industry exchange visits, Guizhou, Guizhou Taiwan tourism industry ultimately carried out jointly with Taiwan, "Guizhou summer season," a series of tourist charter flights and other marketing efforts to reach a consensus, has made the intention of the fruits of cooperation. May 4, held in Hong Kong "Hong Kong's investment and trade activities in Guizhou • Week" opening ceremony, Taipei expert travel agents and Guizhou China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. signed the Taiwan and Guizhou two "summer season" tourism charter agreement.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


City Tour: Qingdao Tour

July 14 afternoon, "Qingdao city to create national standardization sample mid-term evaluation tourism briefing" held at the Hotel in the Yellow Sea, from the Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau's expert informed the standardization sample of the tourist city of visit China Qingdao to create work-related inspection, Qingdao Vice Mayor Xu Xi attend briefings and speeches.
Shandong Tourism Bureau expert on behalf of the National Tourism Administration, Qingdao tourism standardization pilot for a mid-term assessment and examination, by holding briefing, data review, sample surveys and other forms, check with the tourist standards to create the 17 work-related travel format, five municipalities, 27 experimental units. The Group believes that the standardization of organizational leadership Qingdao tourism strong, closely related departments, working mechanisms, all related to the pilot  China city tours enterprises to participate in a strong sense, the implementation of national standards, industry standards, and local standards initiative significantly enhanced, to create work and yielded results.
Briefing, the group of Qingdao create problems in work recommendations and opinions, hopes to become the province's tourism Qingdao standardization work of creating a "benchmark" cities.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


City Tours: Taichung Xiamen Tour

July 12 afternoon, the fourth cross-strait Fair as an important part of the Ninth Strait Wedding Tourism Festival was held at Hotel Paragon Xiamen launch. Wedding across visit China the Taiwan Strait Tourism Cultural Festival is the focus of Taiwan's Taiwan Affairs Office project exchange programs, is the oldest in Xiamen, the deepest accumulation of large cross wedding brand activities.
2009, first in the country since the project Kinmen, Penghu large group wedding held in the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan Strait caused great repercussions. This year, the strong-related government agencies to pull strings, the wedding section of the most important tourism and cultural activities - lovers across the Taiwan Strait will be the first collective witness the ceremony was held in Taichung City. This year witnesses the ceremony will be divided into multiple packages, from now on call for new cross registration, in addition to the hall in Taichung and Xiamen, the local government has a large collective witnesses the ceremony, the couple also participate in the experience of Taiwan's famous attractions and a variety of Taiwan's unique cultural characteristics bazaar, shops and folk artists, religious activities, the couple will have a unique personality Taiwan honeymoon.
Taichung, Taiwan Association of Travel Agents The Secretary-General Zheng Yulin as Mayor of Taichung City's representatives came to the launch site, brought specially for the event Hu handwritten calligraphy, he said a lot of tourist resources Taichung want to travel through the Wedding Cultural China city tours Festival an opportunity to better promote, especially in the individual visit may be considered after opening many new to Taichung to shoot wedding.
According to the organizer, Xiamen Media Group, Red Apple, as the new heavens and media planning official, in addition to the two sides collective witness the ceremony, this year there are many other activities of the project, divided into "happiness Award", "happiness gifts", "Happy Tour" three categories, contains a total of 12 branches of activity, activity from July, three months, the activities of the screening is expected to reach hundreds of games. Reasonable size distribution in active activities every day, so that every day can feel a deep sense of Xiamen citizens happy atmosphere, it will be the most official events of its kind Egret Island, the most abundant happiness feast! Immediate effect, the Project activities will be in full swing, the first large-scale activities - "Impression Xiamen bride" contest along with the project with start.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Best China Tours: Leshan Grand Buddha

Recently, the Giant Buddha Scenic Area uyu play Temple, and found that populations of large wild osprey habitat. These wild osprey habitats concentrated in the famous sights of riverside cliffs Ya stage, there is a good number of hundreds, to beat standing on the ramp at the tours to China birth of several strains of the cliff a large tree on the cliff is the dumping of the Sanjiang blue Wan confluence, very spectacular.

According to the scenic area management personnel and found that these wild osprey in this habitat is a few years ago, only began about more than twenty, the number of small and mostly hiding in the shade of the branches under the cliff where, due to a unique position, observation distance, confused these Heibuliuqiu "bird" is coming from where, what birds. Later evolved into more than a hundred at the most two, three hundred, like "The Raven" as to fly to a large dark mass. Dying leaves in winter, these "bird" side by side, China trip and low walls, Mi Zaza stood bare branches, people look at these Heibuliuqiu guy, the original wild osprey, the locals called "fish crows." These wild Osprey whole body grayish black, able-bodied stout, an estimated 2-3 kg each, one by one round that to stand out in the cliff climbing the branches, like a gold waiting in the wings "howitzer" they mostly like to stand out a large cliff on the furthest branches inclined to observe the river "fish love."

As the quantity, both happy and gregarious, they are also more feces per day, they are concentrated in the habitat of several strains of tree trunk, branches are covered with painted white discharge their waste, far from looking like tree trunks, branches as a backlog of a thick layer of snow in the sunlight shining, black Osprey standing silver trunk, silhouetted against each other, the "fishing alone trees and snow," the mood, it is truly interesting .For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


City China Tour: Huangshan Self-driving Tour

April 15, Huangshan Tourism Committee should be invited Provincial People Guangbodiantai Zu Tuan, deputy director Zhang publicity led down to the original fieldwork area of Huangshan area, tourist reception point, to be held in Anhui Traffic Radio Juyou series of visit China, activities arranged subject line traveling by car to do pre-trip.
     Huangshan Tourism Committee in the relevant personnel, accompanied by Zhang Yuan and his party went to Taiping, Hibiscus Valley Folk Art and other scenic spots of Huangshan inspected, through presentations and field visits, the delegation of the Huangshan area intact environment, beautiful tourism resources of praise, and discussion with the person in charge of the exchange area, Zhang Yuan immediately said it would Huangshan large series of traveling by car as the activities of the major destinations, 1-2 per week will be arranged based on the 2nd tour traveling by car line, the organization and outside of a large number of private cars to Huangshan District, leisure and tourism, and the use of Anhui people's Radio full advantage of the powerful propaganda and media coverage, through interactive activities and media to a wide audience more tourists, more comprehensive understanding of Huangshan China city tours District, location advantages, resources and tourism, so as to drive more car owners to Huangshan resort.
     Anhui Traffic Radio on January 1, 2004 the official launch, launch only two years, quickly became the Anhui powerful media. It to the car owners as the main target audience, the province more than 3 million people and drove hundreds of millions of migrants each year, Anhui Traffic Radio is the largest audience the most stable carriers.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

City Tours China: Tiger Beach Polar Museum

Recently reported that Tiger Beach Polar Museum will be completed in late January and opened the nation's first polar expedition park, the park is visit China to simulate the Antarctic Zhongshan Station, built to enable visitors to experience the style and the Antarctic and penguins up close.

In order to maximize the reduction of the Zhongshan Station style, Tiger Beach Ocean Park will be 3000 square artificial snow, recently introduced from abroad a number of new Antarctic Circle in the boreal part of Penguin, a total of 66, including the Papuan Penguin 10, cap China city tours with a Penguin 28, 10 king penguins, Adelie penguins 18, and their arrival, so Dalian Tiger Beach polar Museum became the most complete display penguin, the largest number of pavilions.Check the new Penguin Polar Museum, after a little nervous, pecking at feeding breeder will present, they are in good health, has ended the isolation period.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Visit China: Nanchang Builds Shopping Street

9, the reporter learned from relevant departments, Nanchang Qingyunpu District is building a Jinggangmycin Road, the road works are completed, will visit China, South Avenue east to Chang, Qingyun Road, three shops West, where Square West, Jiangling overpasses seven roads, bridges to link up.

Well Gangxilunan from Qingyunpu Road, West across the three stores, fire circuit, and connected all the way east JMC, JMC overpass just north, the middle length of 3.3 kilometers, planning road width of 20 meters, including 12 motor vehicle lane wide meters, the sidewalk China city tours width on each side of 4 meters. In road construction at the same time, Qingyunpu are planning to Jinggangmycin West Commercial Street to create a landscape. It consists in building of roads and railways between the green belt; in the construction of a number of road west of the regional characteristics, cultural taste of commercial establishments and recreational green space plaza, and installation of large billboards along the line, to create a unique play commercial Street landscape.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

China Best Tour: Green Cloud Mountain to Develop

4, Yang had finished the New Year public holidays, back to work. He told reporters that the holiday that his most memorable travel experience that friends and their own vehicles on the Qingyunshan peak, to see beauty never before seen. But also his surprise, although not yet development China trip Qingyunshan peak, but has attracted many tourists away.
Qingyunshan is a Pacific Rim volcano zone, unique geological structure not only created a large number of canyons, Xianfeng, rocks, waterfall group, also left a Cretaceous volcanic lake, known locally as "Heavenly Lake." According to reports, "Heavenly Lake" at an altitude of 1000 meters of the summit, year round water filling, never dry, it is odd sigh. "Heavenly Lake" surrounded by rolling alpine meadow, every April and May over the mountain azaleas in full bloom, so beautiful. "Heavenly Lake" near the mountains in the distribution of the villagers cultivated layers of terraced fields, acres of palm groves, "air garden" beautiful picturesque.
However, from the Qingyun Temple curtain leading to the entrance area where the Yongtai Tianchi Ridge Road, the village mayor is only one root of rugged tractor
, tours China road, not long distance, have to drive more than 1 hour, the "Heavenly Lake" has not yet developed . According to local villagers, local government is now building concrete highways, roads repaired, to the "Heavenly Lake" dealers only twenty or thirty minutes. The villagers hope, as soon as possible to local development "Heavenly Lake" tourism resources to the guests much, they can "sit in the door to do business," the.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


China Best Tours: Hong Kong International Travel Expo

June 9, 2011 to 12, The 25th Hong Kong International Travel Expo Hong Kong International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Shanxi, China National Tourism Administration and other organizations from 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of the tours to China tourism sector and tourism enterprises in Hong Kong exhibitors, the traveling salesman to the world, Hong Kong people and visitors to show the long and splendid Chinese civilization, beautiful scenery and rich Mainland colorful tourism resources and products, and achieved good publicity.

Hong Kong International Travel Expo this venue area of ​​15,000 square meters, the participating countries and regions increased to 55, more than 600 exhibitors and about 40 official pavilions from Europe, Asia, America, Africa and other continents, as record high . Mainland tour group as the current exhibition the largest Travel Fair in Hong Kong exhibitors, a strong team, a total of 12 from the mainland China trip provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of 44 departments and tourism businesses to exhibit, booth 79 order. I continue to use last year's Office Exhibition stand, around the "2011 Chinese Culture Tour" theme re-design the image sequence Museum, both adhering to the principles of austerity, but also highlights the theme of Chinese culture and travel style.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Tours China: Chengdu Evening Snack Tour

Plane was late, the night has arrived in Chengdu. Although the bottom of the aircraft still can not help hungry meal. Lay down their luggage out of the hotel, suddenly tour China,floated in the air bursts of aroma. Fresh? Ma? Hot? Sweet? Let you taste all the more accelerated pace chew away. More and more concentrated flavor, roadside buildings but also the more classical kinds of neat. The lights looked up looked, Wenshufang! Original cock, actually came to Chengdu snacks to the most famous collection!

Along the crowd walk to the snack street, both sides of the array of stalls, a variety of gourmet walking towards me: here the "three cannon" sound sweet, over there, "Mao Xuewang" lively pan. Dan Dan noodles, bell dumplings, Long Chao Shou Lai Tang Yuan. As long as you can think of, where can eat. Food China travel tours stalls clean, simple and elegant Hotel. For a time, into Which I did not know, eat Diansha up. Street, "Chen Mapo" greet the eye of the flat black card. Go! Inside the bustling crowd. Square table, long bench, the waiter costume dress. There is a special package deal tourists snacks, 30 yuan to the small dish you served a large table, a small bowl: Yumoto, jelly, cannabis, dumplings. While the pocket-sized mini, but also enough for two people to fill his stomach. Taste? It can not be delicious, but a lively figure. To is that most of the Northeast North Sichuan jelly appetite. So went back after a special point of northern Sichuan Sichuan restaurant jelly and it can not be comparable. Of delicious spicy with a stomach back to the hotel. It is around midnight. Delicious still into the sky, bending over to inquire about the slander was the moon. Sleep, then eat them tomorrow.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


Dalian City Tours: China Seaside Summer Resort Cities

Dalian is located in the east coast of Eurasia, the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula in northeast China, east Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea the west, south and Shandong Peninsula across the sea, north of the vast Northeast Plain. Northeast, north, east, and the maritime gateway to the world, is visit China an important port, trade, industrial and tourist city. Hilly area more than a small lowland plains, the terrain from north to south, north south width narrow; terrain from the central axis to the southeast and northwest sides of the Yellow Sea and Bohai tilt, the Yellow Sea on one side for a long and slow. Dalian's environmental infrastructure construction in China, among the best air quality is very good, clean, street, endangered sea, ideal place to live.

Dalian Golden Pebble Beach is such a wonderful place, where the world famous Wax Museum in Dalian, stone Stones Museum, Mao Zedong badge memorial stone edge of the park, Chinese martial arts, hunting, miles of Gold Coast (area details Gallery), Old Dalian Folk, Film Art Center, Golden Bay Golf Club, Edmond Park, equestrian base and the Discovery Kingdom theme parks and other scenic view (point). On May 27 to China city tours August 20, where the beach will be held in the International Cultural Festival, you can see on the stage performing arts performances, you can go to seafood Booth bites, you can go to the beach, sports activities organized by the release of passion, you can accompanied by the sea breeze in the night when swing together with the music ... ... I believe you can harvest five-star holiday mood.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours


June 24, 2011 -27, the China International Tourism Commodity Fair held in Yiwu, Zhejiang, Anhui Province, 38 enterprises in 14 cities participating. Due to excellent organization, selected by the Organizing Committee, Anhui Tourism Bureau pavilion also won the exposition and the Best Booth visit China Award for Best Organization Award, the country's 31 provinces, municipalities participating in the group stand out. In the "2011 China Tourism Product Competition", the Anhui Province, sending the 15 (items) Travel goods, there are three (items) products stand out in the contest, won two silver and one bronze, respectively, good results, which, Anhui Jieshou City Romer carved pottery Co. should select the "Jieshou pottery • knife color glazed pottery horse people" bamboo Art Gallery and sculpture Co., Ltd. Huangshan Huizhou should select the "myriad aspects" were given silver ornaments.

Anhui Provincial Tourism Bureau attaches great importance to this travel expo, HU Xue-Where the Secretary chaired the Secretary's office, listening to an integrated feature exhibitors participating at the program on reporting requirements of the booth layout and the entries to highlight the unique China city tours cultural charm and Anhui tourism characteristics, and strive to be creative, breakthrough effectiveness. Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Lin Hua-time rate of Anhui Province delegation to attend the Expo, booth several times to inspect and guide, travel goods and business representatives participating exchanges, participating exhibitors to listen to the opinions and suggestions about tourism product development situation, encouraged the travel goods enterprises to innovative ideas, develop more tourism products and better quality.For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours